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12|27 Friday Feed Favorites

While the holiday greenery and decor is still up, I'm ready for the new year and the fresh start it brings. Each year comes with wonderful life lessons, experiences, and memories, and 2019 was no exception. We are grateful for our wonderful clients and trade partners that allow us the opportunity to be involved in their lives while doing what we love. This year holds a special place in our hearts at Richmond and Bottjer, and we are welcoming 2020 with open arms.

Some of my thoughts on the past year are simply collected by a quote I came across:

The past is your lesson.

The present is your gift.

The future is your motivation.

Whatever you find yourself doing to close out the year and welcome the next, remember the future is yours for the taking. Make your dreams your motivation. And then make your dreams your reality.

Check out this week's #RBfeedfavorites for a fresh new look for 2020.

Check out these amazing accounts for inspiration: (images left to right)

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