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Writer's pictureJoy Bottjer

7/17 Friday-ish Feed Favorites

I remember going to the library one summer in my younger years and checking out the maximum number of books they would allow- I think it was around 15. What did I check out? The entire Little House on the Prairie series, of course (the whole building thing runs deep). I went back home, snuggled up in bed and read ALL of them in 2 days. I don't recall all the details of the books from my readings so many years ago, but I do remember being intrigued by their hard work with their hands to make a life and a home in unknown territory. To start from scratch, to dream, and to make it reality.

My kids' summer reading programs this year include some of the classics I read during the time I devoured the Little House on the Prairie series. My daughter finished Call of the Wild a few weeks ago so we watched the new movie of it as a family last night. I'm not what you would call an "outdoorsy" person, but I still thought it was a great movie. Reading about and "being" what you are reading are two totally separate things. Hah hah.

Most of my reading these days is done in the form of email (anyone else?) and blog articles here and there. I have listened to a few books on tape since I find myself in the car a lot, but to real readers that doesn't count. Truthfully I spend a lot of time researching and doing visual brainstorming so I don't enjoy reading unless it's something within the building industry (I eat, breathe, and sleep all things home if you haven't figured that out by now). I recently came across a book that peeked my interest (about building of course) and believe it or not, I bought and started reading it the day it arrived. That hasn't happened in a very long time!

The book it talks about building a library, not only of your favorite books, but of resources that will help you continually learn, grow, and expand your education. Even if building and design isn't your thing (hint: it should be, even a little, if you're reading this blog post) this is great advice. Sure, I'll admit I'm late to the building a physical library game, but however you choose to store and access your educational resources, we should absolutely do it. In doing so we should start including both purposeful AND pretty books to the shelves we're styling. There is room for both.

If you want to learn more about this week's #RBFeedfavorites click on the links below and check them out, and heaven forbid you read about them too while you're there (wink wink).

Check out these amazing accounts for inspiration: (images left to right)

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