I've reflected a lot this last week knowing that the Friday Favorites would fall on a holiday weekend. Not just any holiday weekend. Fourth of July. I also realized that while my intentions were to actually publish this post on Friday (imagine that!) I actually postponed it because of the importance of today.
I've collected beautiful images representing work done by industry colleagues all over the world. Photos that inspire dreams and hope. But, as I sit here this morning I can't help but be humbled and grateful for the heroes that have fought to make these hopes and dreams possible. Those that have put their lives on the line for others. For Freedom. It's far more than the photos.
There's no doubt there is turmoil in our work today on many accounts, and I will not share how I feel about that here, but I will say that I was choked up this morning thinking of the brave men and women, of all ages and color that have, and continue to, come together to fight for freedom. I am grateful for relatives and a wonderful business partner that shaped the possibilities that my family and I have today.
The irony in what we celebrate this weekend as we practice social distancing is also what is separating our nation at the same time. Our fight for freedom in years past, and now, is what makes us unique. It has brought us together as a nation. Freedom isn't free. Independence means that you can take care of your own needs and be responsible, while considering the people around you. Perhaps as we celebrate we should take it a step further and think about how we can be "in" - "dependence" of others in the nation and community around us. Then, we can truly celebrate our Independence Day.

Check out these amazing accounts for inspiration: (images left to right)
1 | French Fancy
2 | Studio McGee
3 | My Domaine
4 | The D Pages
5 | CTD Tiles
6 | Telegraph