We are in full blown back to school mode and the fridge at our house isn't the only thing getting stocked up. The Mudroom, drop zone, clutter catching area, whatever you call it, we find that it is a very useful space nearly every day of the week. Full of backpacks, gear storage (but definitely let the stinky stuff air out elsewhere first), and random odds and ends that kids seem to "collect", a Mud Room keeps the clutter and sanity at bay all year long and most certainly during the school year.
If you're looking for some inspiration on how to organize this school year, look no further than this week's Feed Favorites. Tag us with #RBfeedfavorites so we can see who and what is inspiring you this week and have a chance to be featured.

Check out these amazing accounts for inspiration: (images left to right)
3 | DesignStorms
6 | Harp Times